

Tomorrow is my last day of college for this year. I cannot possibly convey to you how fast this year has gone. It feels like we have just sat down at our shiny white desks, both nervous and excited.

New friends were made and old friends grew closer. We had project after project and a lot of the time I wanted to give up. We did typography,  illustration, grids and letterpress. And I fell in love with photography all over again. I cried and laughed and felt simultaneously like I couldn’t continue and I couldn’t do anything else. I will miss coming in to chat to the girls, bitch about the tutors, and eat lunch in the cold canteen. I will miss walking through the liberties, seeing the children running late to school and the lady who feeds the pigeons out her front door, watching little girls chit chat and share sweets on the stoop in the afternoon while the boys kick ball across the terraces. I will miss the people watching.

The summer is vast and expansive, it is opening up before my eyes. It half terrifies me, half excites me this vastness. I wonder what I will do and then I remember all of the plans I have. Plans are good yes. But I am trying to remind myself that no plans are ok too. Having no plans means I can do nothing. Doing nothing is good too. There will be hopefully different people to watch, different places to photograph and a grand adventure I will remember for the rest of my life. Every day is an adventure, or at least it can be. This Summer I will finish learning to drive, travel (hopefully) to a new continent, mind the cutest of babies and drink lots of cold drinks on warm days (double hopefully). There will be barbeques, road-trips, drinks parties, dog walking, barefoot in the grass, candles and lots of love. I can’t wait to camp again, to lie under the stars and realise all over again how small I really am.

Most of all I am looking forward to walking and talking with those two up there. There’s not much sweeter than that.