
Film & Friends // 2

This week’s film & friends column is from the loveliest girl I am lucky to call my friend, Kirstyn and I go to college together and nerd out on a daily basis about typography, photography and other nonsense.

‘I was inspired to return to film photography after a month-long photography module with

Rich Gilligan

. He shoots mostly on film and his documentary-style of shooting has really influenced the photos I take now.

I resurrected  my Dad’s Fujica STX-1N and got a roll of black and white film. I was nervous initially and worried that the photos wouldn’t come out. I got my Dad to load the film and brief me on using the camera and then I had the camera’s manual on hand at all times! My friends made a big deal of the camera when I took it out at a casual get-together. The flash is quite a conspicuous attachment but I shot away and they learned to ignore it.

I was quite nervous going in to collect the photos from the developers because I was worried that the whole roll would be blank! The roll came out fine actually and I got such a thrill from holding the photos in my hand, knowing that they had been taken entirely manually! It was such a rewarding feeling and my friends loved the photos!’

Have a look at Kirstyn’s lovely blog 



Thanks so much KB for contributing to my new column!

If you shoot film and would like to be featured give me a shout! meldonc at gmail dot com. 

I’d LOVE to see your photos and hear a bit about why you choose to use film. xo

Film & Friendsclio meldon