

A portrait a week, every week, in 2013


To say I am thankful for this girl’s friendship is an understatement. Hannah and I met in junior infants, she had a little blond bob and I had curls that were so short they stuck to my little head. It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I first went to her house to play. We bonded over chocolate biscuit cake (her dad’s family recipe which I count myself lucky to now have) and polly pockets. I used to pull her hair into a high pony tail quoting ‘beauty is pain’ while she winced. She had a dolls house with an ironing board and a happy family.

We spent our teenage years chatting on the phone and hanging out by each others lockers in school. We have bitched about teachers, boyfriends and parents. And now we talk about life, marriage, travel, babies and the people we hope we will become. We spend time together in silence without it ever being awkward and are able to fight and make up like sisters. Thank you Hannah for being my best friend for almost 15 years. Let’s make sure we are still drinking champagne, watching watching trash TV and reading good books for the next 15 too. xo

*this post is part of 


’s 52 Project.